Israel and Gaza – holding 3 things at once

1. Attack on Israeli civilians is a crime against humanity. 2. Attack on Palestinian civilians is a crime against humanity. 3. Both are products of Apartheid and forced displacement which are crimes against humanity.

Crimes against humanity committed anywhere by anyone are punishable in the courts of each State anywhere in the world.

Australian Courts could issue arrest warrants for the criminals in Israel and Gaza without any government decision. Australian lawyers could and should file those charges, under division 268 of the Crimininal Code Act 1995 (vol 2).

That would cut through the “debate” about “who started it” and focus attention on ending it before it becomes actual genocide.

Insisting that Australian courts proceed would be a step towards implementing the “Responibility to Protect” the people of Gaza from further crimes. An EU protection force could be sent more quickly instead of negotiating with the indicted criminals.

Journalists and teachers who have taken some initiatives could help provide a focus by working with lawyers to prepare campaign materials, to collect petition signatures from every household in Australia.

In particular there is an international law obligation to “prevent and punish” the crime of Genocide, including incitement to Genocide.

Here’s a message from an Israeli journalist describing the “direct and public incitement of genocide” that is now routine in Israel.

“Kill today the terrorists of tomorrow” is a direct and public incitement of genocide of children. It is now routine language in Israel but a crime punishable by Australian courts.

Please pass on this post to any contacts, and ask others to do so and especially please add addresses you contacted in comments here and include details of what you sent.

  1. Lawyers assisting the Palestine protests (and other lawyers who might). This is the most important. That letter does not call for the most urgent thing -actually filing charges to issue arresst warrants from Australian courts right now.
  2. Teachers groups organizing in the schools.
  3. Journalists who organized the petition:
  4. Other groups who might be able to help organize policy discussions and action within the solidarity campaign.

This post also links to all the earlier posts in this series, please read them all, starting from:

Then follow the right pointing article at bottom of post to get the next in series till you get back to this one.

This arrest warrants should have been issued weeks ago and the campaign explaining started then. It is very urgent now. The ceasefire could end at any moment.

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